Sunday, February 5, 2017

I made it to Xela!!!

The bus ride, however, was not for the faint of heart... or stomach for that matter! I have never been on a bus that took such sharp turns so quickly! #guatemaladriving

Anyways, I met my host family today - well actually just my host mother, Susana. The house I am staying in is gigantic, it has a real hot water heater AND WIFI... Am I in Guatemala or the US?!?!

Here is my room:

Pretty nice if you ask me.

I made my way down to the main square this afternoon and it was beautiful as well.  Can't wait to explore more in the next couple of weeks!

And on my way home I HAD to stop and try the staple Guatemalan beer which is reminiscent of a Budweiser:

Overall, a great first day. Can't wait to meet everyone at Pop Wuj tomorrow!!!

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